Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Best Body Lotion For Women - The Truth About Perfumed Body Lotion and Fragrances

Finding the best body lotion for women can be a difficult task. With so many different products to pick from, it can be a very overwhelming process. Many women choose perfumed body lotion because it smells nice. But is this really a smart thing to do?

Perfumed body lotion for women is a very popular item now a days. Sometimes, smell and scent is the #1 deciding factor when choosing a body lotion for women. We all love to smell nice ladies, but we might be hurting ourselves in the long run. Let me explain...

The scent and fragrance of a body lotion for women is actually made using chemicals and toxins. And most of the time, these substances can do more harm than help for your skin.

The problem is when you apply a perfumed body lotion topically to your skin, it's almost like you're ingesting all of the ingredients. They all are absorbed into your skin and into your bloodstream, just like if you were to ingest them orally.

You're much better off using a squirt or two of perfume or body spray to smell nice. And it's a good idea to spray it on your clothes instead of directly on your skin. I guess I little won't hurt, but applying certain kinds of chemicals and toxins on a daily basis can lead to more serious health concerns.

Here's a much better way to find the best body lotion for women: Find out what ingredients best address the causes of aging skin.

There are three major causes of aging skin. They are:

1) Loss of collagen and elastin protein

2) Damage caused by free radicals

3) Low levels of hyaluronic acid

After you learn about ingredients that best address these problems, you can let these ingredients lead you to the best body lotion for women. Not only is the more efficient, it's also improves your chances of finding body lotion for women that actually works.

Stephanie have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Body Sprays and great passion and knowledge for body spray and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here body-sprays.net

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