Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sexploitation, Social Influence & It's Behavioral Effect

The blatant social or 'commercial' sexploitation of women and the negative sexual transmutation of men is reaching a breaking point.

This extra awareness and energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Guess where it goes? Out of your wallet.

It's getting dangerous. Fortunately most good men don't turn to outlets like rape but they transmute all of that diluted and aware energy into profitable (for others) outlets such as video games, mens' mags, fitness, self-improvement, career advancement, material gain and more
only to find that doesn't resolve their situation either.

They still want to 'screw' every hot woman in sight because they've become so 'aware' of the attributes of sexploitation.

After all they have become the conditioned response and the reality around them reinforces this relational belief.

They're so connected to it emotionally. They've given it so much 'added value' for the screen time it's given.

If it wasn't always 'in their face' and literally provoking them, exploiting their one 'weakness' they'd be comfortable, sane men like they were supposed to be and used to be.

The saturation point is even affecting preacher's and clergymen across the country.

T&A is blatantly and subtly being waved in front of our faces and people can't see what's really going on.

They see T&A everywhere and they are now responding to it unconsciously. They have been conditioned to be intimidated and afraid of a woman's body and sexual power whether she's
been on the cover of a magazine or not.

They've glorified this concept of sexuality so much that they've become like Jim in American Pie around all of the women they communicate with.

Bad news for other dating guru's but nothing they do or say is going to change the fact that they have the wrong relationship with women in the very first place.

Why is it like this? Why do millions of men not know how to deal with women anymore? Because the 'Architect's' were successful in their plan all along.

They influenced the behavior of men while dividing the sexes.

Massively profitable industries abound off of the new discontent and fantasy divergence of the sexes.

To uphold the social pressure/standard, women seek more fashion, more make-up, more man-repelling advice on how to be more out of his world. They also seek pent-up natural/emotional outlets such as romance novels (why do you think this industry is so big?), romantic comedies and ice cream with their small dog.

Separately, men seek all kinds of outlets to transmute the exploited sexual energy that they're so desirous of yet always seems out of reach.

Look at 'Tag' body spray. Look at beer commercials and men's magazines. All of it further duping people into the fantasy instead of reality. All of it is actually conditioning them
to BUY more instead of being effective in dating and relationships.

And when they do connect men are taught to do things such as buying her flowers, expensive gifts and expensive dinners. Not only is that not effective (trading money for her time) but all kinds of other people in society get to profit off of the business created. All kinds of money is blown to no extent.

What happened to just connecting with people naturally, being interdependent, not spending money on dates and instead focusing on each other? Wow. That wouldn't be very profitable for the people sending out all of the programming that builds up these dual fantasy worlds keeping men and women apart while not knowing how to behave around each other.

It's up to men to understand this mass commercialism, the types of messages they're sending and most importantly the causal influence that the wrong relationship (sponge conditioned response) with it has done.

The commercial sexploitation is going to reach a breaking point when enough men and women realize what is really going on.

Actually that is more up to the men. They are in a position to take their power back while women will continue to wait until there is a stimuli that makes it safe for them to change their behavior publicly again...back to one of more flirtatiousness instead of sexier 'better-than-thou' prickteasing.

Men like me who can create this safe natural reality around women are men who massively attract women because they know it's ok to be themselves again, to escape from the massive social
pressures and to experience happiness, emotion and attraction again. Why? Because as a man I am the stimulus in mating for women to respond to and open the path to a relationship.

The real answers to success with women lies in relational dynamics and behaviorism. By being aware of what commercial sexploitation is at it's roots and how it's altered our dynamics,
you can begin to take your power back and be successful with women and dating while actually saving money.

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