Thursday, December 23, 2010

Guide to the Best Body Moisturizer

The best body moisturizer on the market today is not your typical lotion but rather body butter, finding one that stands out above the rest can be tricky, but not impossible.

Body butter is a cream that comes in a small glass or plastic jar, it is similar to lotion but has more intense hydration and protection agents (lotion usually only hydrates instead of hydrating and protecting). This makes it good for dryer times of the year, or for people with particularly dry skin for whom average lotions just don't cut it.

Start by finding a particular version of this skin staple that comes in a delicious scent. You want something with a succulent smell that is captivating without being overwhelming and that stays on the skin so when used daily it can replace not only your lotion but your body spray or perfume as well.

Look for a product that is made entirely from natural ingredients, one that bypasses the chemical preservatives and parabens (which have been linked to several forms of cancers) found in many other body products in favor of naturally derived plants and extracts with healing properties. Many all natural versions of this skin saving creation can be founding utilizing the healing properties of things such as ginger root oils, safflower oils, and avocado. Sometimes with higher quality products the company website will contain a completely rundown of all ingredients (not easy to find with most lotions) so if there are any concerns about allergies you can check before you order, and then rest easy that you know exactly what you're putting on and into your body.

Body butter can be especially helpful in pregnancy, when many women suffer from extremely itchy abdomens from the rapid expansion of their bellies and subsequent stretch marks. Often they will have to reapply lotion several times a day to keep the itch under control but because of body butters strength it can keep the itch at bay from morning to night. Its brag worthy performance is amplified by finding one that is all natural, easing safety concerns for the woman and baby.

Last, but not least, find one that is easy on your wallet too. Remember that because body butter has such strong properties a smaller amount is needed of body butter than is needed of traditional lotions. When comparing prices make sure you are looking at it on a price by ounce basis instead of comparing total costs, otherwise you won't get an accurate idea of what things costs compared to one another.

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