Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Skin Tag Removal: Cryosurgery for Removing Skin Tags

What is a skin tag? Alternatively known as acrochorda or fibroepithelial polyps, these are harmless tumors generally found on the body where skin creases. They can also form on the neck and face, most commonly on the eyelids. Similar in size (usually from 1-5mm) and shape to a grain of rice, these growths are often raised from the skin's surface. It is because of this that they can become irritated from shaving or other contact, such as from clothing.

Studies have shown that there is a possible link between the occurrence of skin tags and obesity, insulin resistance, and hypertension. This would then suggest that diet and lifestyle choices play a part in skin tag formation. Hormonal imbalances as well as human papillomavirus (HPV) have also been implicated in connection with formation.

Given the benign nature of these growths, removal is unnecessary, but some may seek removal treatment for cosmetic or irritation reasons noted above.

There are several types of skin tag removal in practice today including prescription and over the counter medications, various "homemade" treatments, and surgical removal.

Cryosurgery, or cryotherapy, is another popular treatment. Cryosurgery works by freezing the affected area. A freezing solution is applied, causing ice crystals to form inside the tumor. The cells within the tumor are then broken apart upon thawing. Because of its ease of use and relative low cost, cryosurgery has become an attractive skin tag removal option.

Liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide or argon gas can be used in the freezing mechanism. The solution is applied with a cotton swab or sprayed onto the affected area.

Side effects experienced with cryosurgery are redness and swelling. Blistering of the treated area is common and drainage can be expected for up to two weeks. Post treatment care usually involves washing the affected area multiple times daily and covering with a sterile bandage to expedite healing.

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