Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Skin Tag Remover - Best Options For Getting Rid of This Embarrassing Problem

There are several skin tag remover options for removing skin tags, but it is important to consult your doctor before taking on any home treatment. Skin tags, which are benign and tiny hanging skin, are not your usual skin villains. You will definitely not die from them because these are non-cancerous. You will certainly not be bothered by them because these are usually tiny. However, you will most probably be more worried about them ruining your flawless skin.

So, what to do? Well, find the best skin tag remover, of course! There are three home remedies that you can choose from - the thread method, the scissors method and the liquid bandage method. Each one has its share of pros and cons as well as pain so it is best to carefully consider them before settling on your final choice.

Thread or Floss Method

The rationale behind the thread method is that you cut off the blood supply of the skin tag, thus, allowing them to fall off with as little pain as possible. When done correctly, you should be able to see results within 2 days. The steps are fairly simple, too. You - or someone else if you cannot see the skin tag clearly - should tie the thread or the dental floss precisely on the point where it is attached to the rest of your skin. Now, tighten the thread/floss with at least two knots and then cut off the excess thread. This skin tag remover can be complemented by cutting off the offending skin with a pair of clean, sterilized nail clippers.

Scissors and Alcohol Method

Now, if you have no patience for the thread method and you have more guts to cut off a piece of your skin, then the scissors and alcohol method is for you. The steps are a little bit more complicated but equally effective.

First, you sterilize clean scissors using the alcohol and let it dry. Now, clean the area surrounding the skin tag with alcohol and apply cold ice for a few minutes, which will act as an anesthetic. Actually, there is very little pain involved with this skin tag remover - just a small sting - but the ice will help, too.

Then, you need to pull the excess skin away from the normal skin so as to examine the thickness of the stalk to which it is attached. If the stalk is thin, you simply and quickly snip at the stalk's thinnest part. If it is too thick, you should see a doctor or have someone else remove the skin tag. Third, you must treat the skin area with antibiotic ointment although bandages are unnecessary.

Liquid Bandages Method

Now, if the previous two methods are too icky for you, then there are liquid bandages to the rescue. Basically, you spray the liquid bandage on to the affected area and then apply a circular adhesive bandage when and where necessary. You should do this procedure after every shower so that the skin is clean. Also, it helps to apply rubbing alcohol to sterilize the area. You should see results in a few days or so.

Oliver have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Body Sprays and great passion and knowledge for body spray and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sexploitation, Social Influence & It's Behavioral Effect

The blatant social or 'commercial' sexploitation of women and the negative sexual transmutation of men is reaching a breaking point.

This extra awareness and energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Guess where it goes? Out of your wallet.

It's getting dangerous. Fortunately most good men don't turn to outlets like rape but they transmute all of that diluted and aware energy into profitable (for others) outlets such as video games, mens' mags, fitness, self-improvement, career advancement, material gain and more
only to find that doesn't resolve their situation either.

They still want to 'screw' every hot woman in sight because they've become so 'aware' of the attributes of sexploitation.

After all they have become the conditioned response and the reality around them reinforces this relational belief.

They're so connected to it emotionally. They've given it so much 'added value' for the screen time it's given.

If it wasn't always 'in their face' and literally provoking them, exploiting their one 'weakness' they'd be comfortable, sane men like they were supposed to be and used to be.

The saturation point is even affecting preacher's and clergymen across the country.

T&A is blatantly and subtly being waved in front of our faces and people can't see what's really going on.

They see T&A everywhere and they are now responding to it unconsciously. They have been conditioned to be intimidated and afraid of a woman's body and sexual power whether she's
been on the cover of a magazine or not.

They've glorified this concept of sexuality so much that they've become like Jim in American Pie around all of the women they communicate with.

Bad news for other dating guru's but nothing they do or say is going to change the fact that they have the wrong relationship with women in the very first place.

Why is it like this? Why do millions of men not know how to deal with women anymore? Because the 'Architect's' were successful in their plan all along.

They influenced the behavior of men while dividing the sexes.

Massively profitable industries abound off of the new discontent and fantasy divergence of the sexes.

To uphold the social pressure/standard, women seek more fashion, more make-up, more man-repelling advice on how to be more out of his world. They also seek pent-up natural/emotional outlets such as romance novels (why do you think this industry is so big?), romantic comedies and ice cream with their small dog.

Separately, men seek all kinds of outlets to transmute the exploited sexual energy that they're so desirous of yet always seems out of reach.

Look at 'Tag' body spray. Look at beer commercials and men's magazines. All of it further duping people into the fantasy instead of reality. All of it is actually conditioning them
to BUY more instead of being effective in dating and relationships.

And when they do connect men are taught to do things such as buying her flowers, expensive gifts and expensive dinners. Not only is that not effective (trading money for her time) but all kinds of other people in society get to profit off of the business created. All kinds of money is blown to no extent.

What happened to just connecting with people naturally, being interdependent, not spending money on dates and instead focusing on each other? Wow. That wouldn't be very profitable for the people sending out all of the programming that builds up these dual fantasy worlds keeping men and women apart while not knowing how to behave around each other.

It's up to men to understand this mass commercialism, the types of messages they're sending and most importantly the causal influence that the wrong relationship (sponge conditioned response) with it has done.

The commercial sexploitation is going to reach a breaking point when enough men and women realize what is really going on.

Actually that is more up to the men. They are in a position to take their power back while women will continue to wait until there is a stimuli that makes it safe for them to change their behavior publicly again...back to one of more flirtatiousness instead of sexier 'better-than-thou' prickteasing.

Men like me who can create this safe natural reality around women are men who massively attract women because they know it's ok to be themselves again, to escape from the massive social
pressures and to experience happiness, emotion and attraction again. Why? Because as a man I am the stimulus in mating for women to respond to and open the path to a relationship.

The real answers to success with women lies in relational dynamics and behaviorism. By being aware of what commercial sexploitation is at it's roots and how it's altered our dynamics,
you can begin to take your power back and be successful with women and dating while actually saving money.

Myrine have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Body Sprays and great passion and knowledge for body spray and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Skin Tag Removal: Cryosurgery for Removing Skin Tags

What is a skin tag? Alternatively known as acrochorda or fibroepithelial polyps, these are harmless tumors generally found on the body where skin creases. They can also form on the neck and face, most commonly on the eyelids. Similar in size (usually from 1-5mm) and shape to a grain of rice, these growths are often raised from the skin's surface. It is because of this that they can become irritated from shaving or other contact, such as from clothing.

Studies have shown that there is a possible link between the occurrence of skin tags and obesity, insulin resistance, and hypertension. This would then suggest that diet and lifestyle choices play a part in skin tag formation. Hormonal imbalances as well as human papillomavirus (HPV) have also been implicated in connection with formation.

Given the benign nature of these growths, removal is unnecessary, but some may seek removal treatment for cosmetic or irritation reasons noted above.

There are several types of skin tag removal in practice today including prescription and over the counter medications, various "homemade" treatments, and surgical removal.

Cryosurgery, or cryotherapy, is another popular treatment. Cryosurgery works by freezing the affected area. A freezing solution is applied, causing ice crystals to form inside the tumor. The cells within the tumor are then broken apart upon thawing. Because of its ease of use and relative low cost, cryosurgery has become an attractive skin tag removal option.

Liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide or argon gas can be used in the freezing mechanism. The solution is applied with a cotton swab or sprayed onto the affected area.

Side effects experienced with cryosurgery are redness and swelling. Blistering of the treated area is common and drainage can be expected for up to two weeks. Post treatment care usually involves washing the affected area multiple times daily and covering with a sterile bandage to expedite healing.

Prince have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Body Sprays and great passion and knowledge for body spray and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Best Body Lotion For Women - The Truth About Perfumed Body Lotion and Fragrances

Finding the best body lotion for women can be a difficult task. With so many different products to pick from, it can be a very overwhelming process. Many women choose perfumed body lotion because it smells nice. But is this really a smart thing to do?

Perfumed body lotion for women is a very popular item now a days. Sometimes, smell and scent is the #1 deciding factor when choosing a body lotion for women. We all love to smell nice ladies, but we might be hurting ourselves in the long run. Let me explain...

The scent and fragrance of a body lotion for women is actually made using chemicals and toxins. And most of the time, these substances can do more harm than help for your skin.

The problem is when you apply a perfumed body lotion topically to your skin, it's almost like you're ingesting all of the ingredients. They all are absorbed into your skin and into your bloodstream, just like if you were to ingest them orally.

You're much better off using a squirt or two of perfume or body spray to smell nice. And it's a good idea to spray it on your clothes instead of directly on your skin. I guess I little won't hurt, but applying certain kinds of chemicals and toxins on a daily basis can lead to more serious health concerns.

Here's a much better way to find the best body lotion for women: Find out what ingredients best address the causes of aging skin.

There are three major causes of aging skin. They are:

1) Loss of collagen and elastin protein

2) Damage caused by free radicals

3) Low levels of hyaluronic acid

After you learn about ingredients that best address these problems, you can let these ingredients lead you to the best body lotion for women. Not only is the more efficient, it's also improves your chances of finding body lotion for women that actually works.

Stephanie have been writing articles for nearly 2 years. Come visit his blogs more often for tips and advice that helps people with the interest for Body Sprays and great passion and knowledge for body spray and all the different options & providers available in the market today. Find out for more info also here